Reagan Boyce Column Featured in The Texas Lawbook

In recognition of Women’s History Month, Reagan Boyce of Chamblee Ryan shared her experiences overcoming obstacles in the legal industry, and how a series of chance encounters led her to her success in the profession.

“Seventeen years after entering the profession, I’m proud to say I have overcome some unexpected obstacles a lot of women face in the workplace and I have been recognized by my peers and the legal industry for my accomplishments. I have often been underestimated by my older peers in the profession — if not outright dismissed as the ““young associat” ”  — and frequently mistaken for the court reporter in a room full of male attorneys. I have learned to navigate those insults and maintain my civility in a profession where civility is becoming a scarce commodity. But never mistake me for a pushover. I am a warrior and proudly walk onto the proverbial battlefield for my clients every day,” Ms. Boyce writes in The Texas Lawbook.

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